We extremely welcome all the interested content curators to write guest posts for Proud Anime. We’re glad you’re associating with us and ready to accept guest posts. Writing for us will reflect your expertise and knowledge for establishing yourself in the crazy anime world. We’ll indeed also give exposure to the contributors on our website and official social media channels.
We hereby request all the viewers of this page to become a contributor and understand the guidelines, eligibility criteria, submission process, and what type of content we’re accepting for our site.
Why you must Write for us?
Proud Anime is a very popular website that focuses on sharing valuable information related to the entertainment industry, such as anime, movies, web series, music, etc. Our website is also experiencing a massive increment in traffic every year.
The earliest you become a guest writer, it will be easier to provide high-quality content for our readers. Proud Anime is blessed with a good team of writers, editors, and contributors helping our website grow and serve the best content for society.
Our contributor guidelines are very flexible; our primary expectation is to get quality content from our contributors.
Why is Proud Anime grabbing more attention within the industry? We strive to provide diverse and more coverage about the entertainment industry to enthusiasts.
We have good online authority over search engines; thus, the more you contribute to our site, the more your efforts will be valued and appreciated.
What are we expecting from the contributors?
Before you get enthusiastic after reading ‘blog writers wanted for Proud Anime,’ please understand what we’re expecting from our dear content contributors.
Guest posts are only considered successful when they are genuine, plagiarism-free, comprehensive, engaging, easy to understand, and educational too. And we’re only expecting successful guest posts from the contributors. We’re below mentioning the key guest post guidelines for interested candidates.
- We only accept 100% relevant, unique, and well-researched guest posts, preferably 800-1000 words.
- Guests posts that are 100% original and unpublished will only be accepted. We don’t believe in republishing and copying content from other sites.
- All the claims, facts, and figures mentioned should be 100% original and must include backlinks. Please don’t target our competitors or other site owners. Above all, we’re not looking for promotional and marketing-based posts. The guest posts should be free from promotional links and call-to-actions.
- We’re fond of having illustrations in our guest posts. If possible, please include illustrations for strengthening your guest posts. Please use royalty-free images in our guest posts.
- Guest posts don’t include lengthy paragraphs that aren’t easier to read for the audience. Subheadings, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs make the guest posts easy to read and understand.
By going through the guidelines, you can realize we’re providing one of the best guest post opportunities for interested contributors.
What type of topics we’re covering?
Most of our audience are interested in reading about the latest happenings in the anime industry. Our post ‘’guest posts wanted’’ will often be live for interested contributors. Below, we’re mentioning the primary topics we cover on our website.
- Analysis of anime characters
- Latest releases of anime movies and web series
- Reviews of the anime movies
- Latest spoilers about the anime movies
Before you curate and submit article, please refer to the posts available on our site for the topics, content language, content structure, tone, and much more.
Guidelines on how to write and submit guest posts for Proud Anime
- Select the best possible topic for the guest post.
- Contact us at proudanime27@gmail.com
- Let us know the topic that you’re interested in.
- Our admins will check the topic and might ask for the previous writing samples.
- After getting approval, submit blog post at the earliest.
- We’ll more probably make your guest post live within 24-36 hours.
Key guidelines about the guest posts submission
- In order to get your content published, the guest post must fulfill our quality standards. Editors have the full right to reject your guest posts and make minor edits (if required).
- You can add your social media link in the author bio. You can even link your guest posts with the other posts uploaded on our site.
- Once your content is submitted and published on our site, you cannot publish it elsewhere, not even on your platforms.
- The earliest you submit guest post, the quicker it will go live on our site.
This was all about what you should know to submit your content on our website. We feel pleased if you’ve read this page until now and shown interest in becoming our beloved content contributor. We’re also open to getting feedback and suggestions from our audience and content contributors regarding the guest posts. Please share our ‘writers wanted for guest posts’ with all the anime lovers in your group.