Who is the monster in wednesday
Long story short, Tyler Galpin is the monster on Wednesday. To be perfectly candid, even we were shocked by this revelation. No one thought that the sweet-looking Tyler could be Hyde. We first see the monster in Episode One, “Wednesday’s Child Is Full of Woe.” It rushes in to save Wednesday, played by the talented actress Jenna Ortega from one of her classmates, Rowan Laslow. Rowan has powerful telekinetic powers. Using his powers and some clues from a book he found in the Nightshades’ library, he predicted that Wednesday would cause the school’s destruction.
Therefore, he thought it justified to kill Wednesday. But his attempts are foiled by the monster, who kills him instead. Since the first time Wednesday laid her eyes on the monster, she has been hunting it. In Episode Seven, “If You Don’t Woe Me by Now,” Wednesday unwittingly learns that Tyler is Hyde. Let’s get into the episode’s details a bit.
The police arrest Xavier Thorpe under the assumption that he is the hyde from Wednesday. But the facts don’t sit well with Wednesday, and she continues to dig. Finally, the real monster is revealed to us when she kisses Tyler and gets a vision. She decides not to confront Tyler at that moment. Later, she and her friends kidnap Tyler and take him to the Jungle in Jericho to force out a confession.
They torture him but to no avail. Tyler’s father, Sheriff Donovan Galpin, stops the torture and arrests Wednesday. In the police station, Tyler intercedes on Wednesday’s behalf and asks his father to let her go. The fans again become unsure of Tyler being the monster. The good looks of the actor who plays Tyler on Wednesday and his charming personality in real life have made it difficult for fans to believe that he could play such a dark character on screen. But all is revealed when Tyler whispers into Wednesday’s ears, admitting that he is the monster and that he loves killing people.
What is a hyde?
Fans have been wanting the answer to two questions. First was, “Who is the monster in Wednesday?” and second, “What is a hyde?” The first question was answered in Episode Seven when fans were told that Tyler Galpin, the sweet and innocent barista at the Weathervane Coffee shop, is, in reality, a bloodthirsty monster. All hopes of seeing Wednesday fall in love with him were dashed in an instant. Thankfully, there is another contender left to play Wednesday’s love interest. Yes, we are talking about her classmate Xavier Thorpe who is already enchanted by her.
The show does not get into much detail about the genealogy of the monster, which we hope to explore here. Since Episode One, Wednesday has been searching for some clues that would tell her what the monster is. She continues her investigation by reading ancient archives in the Nightshade’s Library and questioning several suspects. Xavier Thorpe is chief among her list of suspects because the monster pops out of his sketches. Wednesday was still making no headway until her uncle Fester visited her at Nevermore.
Fester, played by Fred Armisen, tells her that the monster she is looking for is a Hyde when Wednesday shows him one of Xavier’s sketches of the monster. Fester tells her that Hydes are outcasts who, in a fit of frenzy, can transform into a monster and massacre people. He had seen Hyde during his vacation at the Zurich Institute for the Criminally Insane in 1983.
At that time, Hyde was one Olga Malacova, who was a celebrated pianist. Fester praises her for her good looks and intellect and quite morbidly for her interest in necrophilia. Apparently, she transformed in the middle of her rendition of Chopin’s Sonata and mutilated a dozen of her audience members. Wednesday still has some doubts about what causes Hyde to transform. She finds the answer in Nathaniel Faulkner’s diary, where he wrote that Hyde is released either by a traumatic event or hypnosis.
The word hypnosis struck a chord with Wednesday, and she thought her shrink, Dr. Valerie Kinbott was the hyde’s master if not the hyde herself. She could not be more wrong, as later she finds the doctor torn to pieces in her chambers.
The show has wonderfully used the Jekyll and Hyde story to give us a new monster. The hyde from Wednesday is an ugly-looking beast with sharp claws and big bulging eyes. It has grey skin and long legs with a hunched-over body.
Who plays the role of Tyler on Wednesday?
The character Tyler from Wednesday is played by Hunter Doohan. He is a talented and budding actor with a lot of prospects ahead of him. His role as Tyler Galpin has earned him a fan following who want to see him succeed in life. Hunter is a charming fellow, which he uses to his advantage in the series to hide his murderous alter-ego. No one, including Wednesday, could suspect his real intentions. The actor has done a stupendous job as Tyler in the hit show Wednesday.
Hunter Doohan was born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, in the United States of America, on January 18, 1994. His father, Peter Doohan, is a celebrated tennis player from Australia. This is not Hunter Doohan’s first acting job. He had previously worked on another show called, “Your Honor.” There, he played the character of Adam Desiato, son of a Judge played by veteran actor Bryan Cranston. Adam is shot at the end of Season 1.
Now that fans have the answer to their question, “Who is the monster in Wednesday?” they can let go of any hope to see Tyler become Wednesday’s love interest. We still don’t know which way the show is going to go. In the last episode of Season One of the series titled “A Murder of Woes”, we see Wednesday and her friends battle it out with the monster and hurt him. Tyler’s dad comes in time and takes his son into custody. In the very last scene, we are shown Tyler chained in an armored van with guards around him. He is being transported to a secure location, but he transforms and sounds of a massacre are heard as the camera pans out of the van.
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