Does Boruto really Die? Untangling the Mystery

Fans have been really asking about Boruto’s death in the Naruto anime for the longest time and here is the time to reveal the mystery “Is Boruto dead in the hand of Kawaki? as shown in the last episode.

Now If you enjoy the “Naruto” series and its spinoff, “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,” you’ve certainly wondered if the main character, Boruto Uzumaki, dies a horrific death.  Do not worry if you think you are one who is curious about it. There are a lot of fans who have been imagining, and  by reading this blog you will get proof that unravels this mystery of Boruto’s death.

The Karma Seal And The Mysterious Opening Scene

The first clue that got fans talking is the very beginning of the Boruto anime. We see a battered and beaten Hidden Leaf Village and Boruto wearing a headband with a crossed-out leaf symbol. This suggests he’s somehow disconnected from the village he once called home. In this scene, he’s also facing off against a mysterious enemy. This opening scene has led to tons of questions about what’s going to happen to Boruto. Is Boruto dead?

In the last episode of the anime, Boruto isn’t really dead. He’s been brought back to life by Momoshiki. It might sound confusing, but it makes sense when you know about something called the Karma seal.

Momoshiki put this Karma seal on Boruto’s right hand when he was defeated. The Karma seal is like a special mark that’s like a genetic backup for an Otsutsuki, which is a powerful clan. This mark can be put on another person, called a “Vessel.”

Over time, this Karma seal changes the Vessel’s genetic makeup and turns it into a full-fledged Otsutsuki. With this mark, an Otsutsuki can come back to life in the body of the Vessel if they die in some way. So, that’s how Boruto came back to life with Momoshiki’s help.

Features of Karma Seal

When someone has the Karma seal, like Boruto, they can learn to use the powers of the Otsutsuki they’re connected to. How much they can use these powers depends on how long they’ve had the Karma seal and how good they are at using it.

  • The Karma seal gives people three main abilities: they become better fighters, they can do tricky things with time and space, and they can suck up chakra. This works as long as they have the Karma mark.
  • On top of all that, the person with the Karma seal can also borrow some of the Otsutsuki’s powers. Just like Boruto can use Momoshiki’s Byakugan, and Kawaki can use Isshiki’s Sukunahikona and Daikokuten powers. It’s like they get these special powers from the Otsutsuki they’re connected to through the Karma seal.

Time Travel Arc

Another piece of the puzzle is the Time Travel Arc. Boruto, along with Sasuke, goes back in time to the original “Naruto” era. Their mission is to learn about the Otsutsuki clan and their powers. But this adventure is risky because it could mess up the timeline. Some fans think that Boruto’s time travel could lead to changes that erase him from existence, causing his apparent death in the opening scene

Boruto Death: A Fate Sealed in Shadows

In the battle against Code, something unexpected happens to Boruto. He suddenly collapses, and it’s like time freezes as he has a strange interaction with Momoshiki. Momoshiki isn’t pleased with Boruto’s attempt to control the Karma seal using a drug, and he doesn’t like Code either. Momoshiki takes over Boruto’s body and decides to take on Code himself.

Momoshiki proves to be strong enough to defeat Code, but things take a twist. Momoshiki tries to attack Naruto, which makes Kawaki step in. Kawaki reveals that his Karma seal has been restored by Amado, and he reminds Boruto of a promise they made. Boruto had promised to die if Momoshiki ever took control of him completely, and he confirmed this promise.

So, Kawaki transforms his arm and uses it to kill Boruto, stopping Momoshiki’s rampage. It’s a heartbreaking moment in the story, and it shows the lengths Kawaki is willing to go to protect everyone.

Kawaki’s Role

Kawaki is another key character, and he adds to the mystery. In the opening scene, Boruto faces off against Kawaki, who also has a Karma seal. Their relationship is complex and tense. Some fans believe that their dramatic battle might have led to Boruto’s apparent death. The story between these two characters is still unfolding.

The Price of Coming Back to Life

In a surprising turn of events, Kawaki did indeed appear to kill Boruto, and it was not just an appearance—it was a reality. At the time of Boruto’s death, Boruto’s Karma mark wasn’t completely removed, so Momoshiki couldn’t come back to life like he usually could. To solve this problem, Momoshiki did something unusual: he used the remaining Karma to rebuild Boruto’s body. But this decision came with some important points to remember:

  • Boruto is no longer fully human; he’s become an Otsutsuki, which has its own implications.
  • This revival was a one-time deal. If Boruto dies again, he won’t come back.
  • Boruto and Momoshiki now share the same body and can talk to each other whenever they want. It’s like they have two minds in one body.


So, the question “Did Boruto die” in the “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations” series is still unanswered. The evidence we’ve discussed, including the opening scene, time travel, and Kawaki’s role, all contribute to the suspense.

Yes, Boruto died, but he was brought back to life using the leftover Otsutsuki data in his Karma seal. This turned him into a full celestial being and left some special marks on his body.

This creates an interesting situation for the future of the series. Boruto and Momoshiki, who don’t like each other, now have to figure out how to live together in the same body. This will lead to some mysterious changes, especially after what happened in the recent events.

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